Average score ranking 181-rank 200.

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 > Average score ranking 181-rank 200
Average score ranking 181-rank 200(More than 30 reviews)

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NoTitle Name(Year of production)AverageNumber of reviews
181Random Harvest (1942)7.6845
182The Grand Illusion (1937)7.6841
183Romeo and Juliet (1968)7.6886
184Heaven Can Wait (1978)7.68110
185Alice in the Cities (1973)7.6850
186The Dark Knight (2008)7.67345
187The NightMare Before Christmas (1993)7.67186
188Heart And Souls (1993)7.6743
189One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest (1975)7.67383
190Awakenings (1990)7.67292
191Hotel Rwanda (2004)7.66160
192Sunflower (1970)7.66185
193A Little Romance (1979)7.6663
194Mary Poppins (1964)7.65101
195Cabiria[英]/Nights Of Cabiria[米] (1957)7.6535
196Ashes and Diamonds (1958)7.6535
197Infernal Affairs (2002)7.65274
198The Wizard Of Oz (1939)7.65137
199The Dead Zone (1983)7.64109
200Hidden Figures (2016)7.6448
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