Average score ranking 201-rank 220.

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 > Average score ranking 201-rank 220
Average score ranking 201-rank 220(More than 30 reviews)

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NoTitle Name(Year of production)AverageNumber of reviews
201Children of Heaven (1997)7.64187
202X-Men: First Class (2011)7.6484
203VAMPIRE HUNTER D (2001)7.6437
204Papillon (1973)7.64143
205Sunset Blvd. (1950)7.63141
206Changeling (2008)7.63207
207Gravity (2013)7.63251
208Romy & Michele's High School Reunion (1997)7.6258
209Blade Runner - The Final Cut (2007)7.6290
210SE7EN (1995)7.62640
211Phantom of the Paradise (1974)7.6289
212The Apartment (1996)7.6256
213Duel (1971)7.62309
214Drunken Master (1978)7.61129
2153 Idiots (2009)7.6181
216A Better Tomorrow (1986)7.61128
217Sicko (2007)7.6170
218The Red Shoes (1948)7.6131
219Three Fugitives (1988)7.6155
220Battle of Britain (1969)7.6134
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