Average score ranking 321-rank 340.

 > Ranking
 > Average score ranking 321-rank 340
Average score ranking 321-rank 340(More than 30 reviews)

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NoTitle Name(Year of production)AverageNumber of reviews
321Greedy Guts (2000)7.4831
322Do the Right Thing (1989)7.4839
323Toto Le Heros (1991)7.4734
324Platoon (1986)7.47292
325Shaolin Temple The 36Th Chmber (1978)7.4769
326The Bourne Ultimatum (2007)7.47188
327The Usual Suspects (1995)7.47548
328Miss Sloane (2016)7.4742
329A Class to Remember 4: Fifteen/Fifteen (2000)7.4742
330Once Upon A Tme In China II (1992)7.4654
331The Enemy Below (1957)7.4671
332The Hidden Fortress (1958)7.46126
333What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962)7.4678
334Salvador (1986)7.4645
335Toy Story (1995)7.46229
336The Children's Hour (1961)7.4630
337Dumbo (1941)7.4652
338The Great Waldo Pepper (1975)7.4650
339Primal Fear (1996)7.46188
340The Hidden (1987)7.46106
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