Average score ranking 61-rank 80.

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 > Average score ranking 61-rank 80
Average score ranking 61-rank 80(More than 30 reviews)

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NoTitle Name(Year of production)AverageNumber of reviews
61Limelight (1952)8.01122
62Red Beard (1965)8.01142
63Full Sun (1960)7.99227
64DAVE (1993)7.99141
65Once Upon a Time In The West (1968)7.9852
66Green Book (2018)7.9799
67Muddy River (1981)7.9742
68RRR (2022)7.9734
69Running on Empty (1988)7.9797
70YOJIMBO (1961)7.97224
71The Terminator (1984)7.97473
72Das Boot (1981)7.96144
73Project A (1983)7.96193
74Some Like It Hot (1959)7.95166
75ZOMBIE: DAWN OF THE DEAD (1978)7.95141
76Galaxy Quest (1999)7.94295
77Lawrence of Arabia (1962)7.94133
78The Kid (1921)7.94118
79A DOG'S LIFE (1918)7.9331
80The Eddy Duchin Story (1956)7.9333
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