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Billy Weber List of related works
Main person in charge : Editor
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (2016)Editor5.50 / 10.051
Rules Don't Apply (2016)Editor5.50 / 10.02
The Tree of Life (2011)Editor5.32 / 10.046
Passion Play (2010)Editor2.00 / 10.01
The New World (2006)Producer 4.81 / 10.022
Nacho Libre (2006)Editor4.69 / 10.042
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (2005)Other Crew6.24 / 10.062
The Clearing (2004)Other Crew3.19 / 10.021
Shanghai Knights (2003)Other Crew5.78 / 10.042
Gigli (2003)Editor5.14 / 10.014
Showtime (2002)Editor5.47 / 10.085
Miss Congeniality (2000)Editor6.48 / 10.0180
Shanghai Noon (2000)Editor5.20 / 10.068
Gun Shy (2000)Other Crew4.53 / 10.013
The Thin Red Line (1998)Editor4.94 / 10.0217
Bulworth (1998)Editor6.00 / 10.019
Murder at 1600 (1997)Editor4.95 / 10.024
Virtuosity (1995)Other Crew4.70 / 10.040
Batman Returns (1992)Assistant Director6.80 / 10.0120
Days of Thunder (1990)Editor5.35 / 10.048
The Package (1989)Editor5.50 / 10.010
Midnight Run (1988)Editor8.17 / 10.0318
Beverly Hills Cop II (1987)Editor6.23 / 10.065
Extreme Prejudice (1987)Editor4.63 / 10.011
TOP GUN (1986)Editor6.32 / 10.0307
Pee-Wee's Big Adventure (1985)Editor5.85 / 10.014
Beverly Hills Cop (1984)Editor6.96 / 10.0128
Iceman (1984)Editor7.00 / 10.04
48 HRS. (1982)Editor6.46 / 10.095
The Warriors (1979)Editor6.86 / 10.029

Academy awards

Year Department Title Name
59th(1986 year) Film Editing TOP GUN Nomination
71th(1998 year) Film Editing The Thin Red Line Nomination
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