Glovision Inc. is List of related works.

Glovision Inc. List of related works
Main person in charge : Production
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Heart of Stone (2023)Production6.00 / 10.03
Blonde (2022)Production3.00 / 10.01
Mary and The Witch's Flower (2017)Sound Department3.89 / 10.028
Blade Runner 2049 (2017)Production6.48 / 10.095
Mortdecai (2015)Production4.09 / 10.011
Pixels (2015)Production5.68 / 10.048
After Earth (2013)Production4.88 / 10.043
Carrie (2013)Production5.15 / 10.033
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013)Production3.96 / 10.027
Captain Phillips (2013)Production7.02 / 10.080
Total Recall (2012)Production5.17 / 10.074
The Hunger Games (2012)Production4.00 / 10.072
The Expendables 2 (2012)Production6.49 / 10.075
Chinese Zodiac (2012)Production5.71 / 10.028
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011)Production6.82 / 10.0119
The Social Network (2010)Production6.55 / 10.0149
Bandidas (2006)Production5.66 / 10.012
The Transporter (2002)Production5.65 / 10.0184
Taxi 2 (2000)Production5.51 / 10.0191
Any Given Sunday (1999)Production6.09 / 10.0107
Desert Heat (1999)Production5.60 / 10.015
The Corruptor (1999)Production5.38 / 10.039
Wild Things (1998)Production6.13 / 10.0190
Holy Man (1998)Production6.95 / 10.022
The Quick and the Dead (1995)Production5.47 / 10.098
Jumanji (1995)Production6.51 / 10.0240
A Goofy Movie (1995)Sound Department5.50 / 10.02
Mary Shelly's Frankenstein (1994)Production6.60 / 10.092
Hudson Hawk (1991)Production4.94 / 10.039
My Girl (1991)Production7.18 / 10.087

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