> Academy awards
 > Best Supporting Actor [2000 era]
Academy awards Best Supporting Actor [2000 era]

2000 year (73 th)

Benicio Del ToroTraffic

Nomination :

Jeff BridgesThe Contender
Joaquin PhoenixGladiator
Albert FinneyErin Brockovich
Willem DafoeShadow of the Vampire

2001 year (74 th)

Jim BroadbentIris

Nomination :

Ben KingsleySEXY BEAST
Jon VoightALI
Ethan HawkeTraining Day

2002 year (75 th)

Chris CooperAdaptation.

Nomination :

Ed HarrisThe Hours
Christopher WalkenCatch Me If You Can
John C. ReillyChicago
Paul NewmanRoad To Perdition

2003 year (76 th)

Tim RobbinsMystic River

Nomination :

Djimon HounsouIn America
Benicio Del Toro21 Grams
Ken WatanabeThe Last Samurai

2004 year (77 th)

Morgan FreemanMillion Dollar Baby

Nomination :

Clive OwenCloser
Thomas Haden ChurchSideways
Jamie FoxxCollateral
Alan AldaThe Aviator

2005 year (78 th)

George ClooneySyriana

Nomination :

Paul GiamattiCinderella Man
Jake GyllenhaalBrokeback Mountain
Matt DillonCrash
William HurtA History of Violence

2006 year (79 th)

Alan ArkinLittle Miss Sunshine

Nomination :

Eddie MurphyDreamgirls
Djimon HounsouBlood Diamond
Jackie Earle HaleyLittle Children
Mark Wahlberg/Marky MarkThe Departed

2007 year (80 th)

Javier BardemNo Country for Old Men

Nomination :

Hal HolbrookInto the Wild
Casey AffleckThe Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
Philip Seymour HoffmanCharlie Wilson's War
Tom WilkinsonMichael Clayton

2008 year (81 th)

Heath LedgerThe Dark Knight

Nomination :

Josh BrolinMilk
Robert Downey Jr.Tropic Thunder
Philip Seymour HoffmanDoubt
Michael ShannonRevolutionary Road

2009 year (82 th)

Christoph WaltzInglourious Basterds

Nomination :

Matt DamonInvictus
Woody HarrelsonThe Messenger
Christopher PlummerThe Last Station
Stanley TucciThe Lovely Bones
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