Average score ranking 541-rank 560 Country of manufacture : USA.

 > Ranking
 > Average score ranking 541-rank 560 Country of manufacture : USA
Average score ranking 541-rank 560 Country of manufacture : USA(More than 30 reviews)

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NoTitle Name(Year of production)AverageNumber of reviews
541Boyhood (2014)7.0242
542Carrie (1976)7.01206
543Ready Player One (2018)7.01100
544Far And Away (1992)7.0168
545Citizen Kane (1941)7.01200
546Splash (1984)7.0183
547Jack (1996)7.0179
548*batteries not included (1987)7.0166
549BIG WEDNESDAY (1978)7.0050
550Midnight In Paris (2011)7.0083
551Logan (2017)7.0051
552Avengers: Infinity War (2018)7.0041
553The Hunt for Red October (1990)7.00120
554One Fine Day (1996)7.0068
555Real Steel (2011)7.0081
556Grand Hotel (1932)7.0061
557Guarding Tess (1994)7.0042
558Shoulder Arms (1918)7.0032
559American Beauty (1999)7.00489
560GIRL, INTERRUPTED (1999)6.99259
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