Average score ranking 161-rank 180 Genre : War.

 > Ranking
 > Average score ranking 161-rank 180 Genre : War
Average score ranking 161-rank 180 Genre : War(More than 30 reviews)

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NoTitle Name(Year of production)AverageNumber of reviews
161The Dirty Dozen (1967)6.2531
162Twilight Zone: The Movie (1983)6.2454
163The Hurt Locker (2008)6.23150
164The Little House (2013)6.2254
165Apt Pupil (1998)6.2266
166Seven Year In Tibet (1997)6.20160
167The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas (2008)6.1931
168Memphis Belle (1990)6.1891
169Mobile Suit Gundam F91 (1991)6.1866
170A Very Long Engagement (2004)6.1747
171Atonement (2007)6.1735
172Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing (1955)6.1630
173Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002)6.16421
174THE A-TEAM (2010)6.1678
175Casualties of War (1989)6.1557
176Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004)6.14169
177Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003)6.14139
178The Sky Crawlers (2008)6.1192
179Humberger Hill (1987)6.0848
1801941 (1979)6.0862
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