Average score ranking 461-rank 480 Genre : Drama.

 > Ranking
 > Average score ranking 461-rank 480 Genre : Drama
Average score ranking 461-rank 480 Genre : Drama(More than 30 reviews)

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NoTitle Name(Year of production)AverageNumber of reviews
461Searching for Bobby Fischer (1993)7.1747
462Serpico (1973)7.1787
463LOVE EXPOSURE (2008)7.1787
464The Downfall/The Downfall: Hitler and the End of the Third Reich[米] (2004)7.16125
465Bridge of Spies (2015)7.1660
466Good Will Hunting (1997)7.16361
467Greenfingers (2000)7.1655
468Dog Day Afternoon (1975)7.16159
469Hotel Mumbai (2018)7.1630
470Untamed Heart (1993)7.1687
471The Man from Nowhere (2010)7.1643
472HEAT (1995)7.16252
473Where is the Friend's House? (1987)7.1656
474Argo (2012)7.15145
475Crash (2004)7.15208
476The Long Goodbye (1973)7.1540
477HEAVENLY CREATURES (1994)7.1573
478Always - Sunset on Third Street2 (2007)7.15126
479Always - Sunset on Third Street (2005)7.15299
480The Pianist (2002)7.14499
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