Average score ranking 761-rank 780 Genre : Novel.

 > Ranking
 > Average score ranking 761-rank 780 Genre : Novel
Average score ranking 761-rank 780 Genre : Novel(More than 30 reviews)

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NoTitle Name(Year of production)AverageNumber of reviews
761Total Recall (2012)5.1774
762Drop (2008)5.1631
763Zathura: A Space Adventure (2005)5.1653
764Return to Never Land (2002)5.1442
765Never Say Never Again (1983)5.1338
766Sea Without Exit (2006)5.1336
767Aegis (2005)5.12141
768The Ring (2002)5.12196
769John Carpenter's Christine (1983)5.1144
770Out of Sight (1998)5.10102
771Indecent Proposal (1993)5.0972
772Carrie (2013)5.0932
773The Bone Collector (1999)5.09211
774Naked Lunch (1991)5.0845
775Taboo (1999)5.08112
777Diabolique (1996)5.0740
778The Beautiful Troublemaker (1991)5.0633
779The Perfect Storm (2000)5.06278
780Where the Wild Things Are (2009)5.0646
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