Average score ranking 1-rank 20 Genre : Sports.

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 > Average score ranking 1-rank 20 Genre : Sports
Average score ranking 1-rank 20 Genre : Sports(More than 30 reviews)

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NoTitle Name(Year of production)AverageNumber of reviews
1Rocky (1976)8.12345
2Girls und Panzer der Film (2015)7.9135
3Rudy (1993)7.90125
4Kids Return (1996)7.72232
5Heaven Can Wait (1978)7.68110
6Children of Heaven (1997)7.64187
7RUSH (2013)7.4860
8Field Of Dreams (1989)7.46257
9Purely Belter (2000)7.4249
10The Bad News Bears (1976)7.37112
11A League of Their Own (1992)7.36115
12Cinderella Man (2005)7.34111
13100 Yen Love (2014)7.3250
14Rocky Balboa (2006)7.25152
15Cool Runnings (1993)7.22182
16The Wrestler (2008)7.19126
17Rocky II (1979)7.18142
18The Longest Yard (1974)7.1464
19The Champ (1979)7.11106
20A Scene at the Sea (1991)7.11113
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