Average score ranking 1-rank 20 2007 year.

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 > Average score ranking 1-rank 20 2007 year
Average score ranking 1-rank 20 2007 year(More than 30 reviews)

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NoTitle Name(Year of production)AverageNumber of reviews
1Blade Runner - The Final Cut (2007)7.6290
2Sicko (2007)7.6170
3I Just Didn't Do It (2007)7.60227
4The Bourne Ultimatum (2007)7.47188
5Lars and the Real Girl (2007)7.2947
6Hot Fuzz (2007)7.25104
7The Visitor (2007)7.2433
8Reign Over Me (2007)7.2450
9Eastern Promises (2007)7.2368
10After School (2007)7.21160
11Lust, Caution (2007)7.1952
12Always - Sunset on Third Street2 (2007)7.15126
13Gone Baby Gone (2007)7.1151
14Enchanted (2007)7.04152
15Into the Wild (2007)6.9874
164 Months, 3 Weeks & 2 Days/4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days[米] (2007)6.9735
17The Counterfeiter (2007)6.9543
183:10 to Yuma (2007)6.9582
19The Passionate Life of Edith Piaf (2007)6.9239
20Music and Lyrics (2007)6.9060
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