Average score ranking 21-rank 40 1990 year.

 > Ranking
 > Average score ranking 21-rank 40 1990 year
Average score ranking 21-rank 40 1990 year(More than 30 reviews)

Other searches(52 hits): 1  2  3 
NoTitle Name(Year of production)AverageNumber of reviews
21Nikita (1990)6.77194
22Green Card (1990)6.7466
23The Exorcist III (1990)6.7030
24Night of the Living Dead (1990)6.6746
25Total Recall (1990)6.50198
26Home Alone (1990)6.50238
27Wild at Heart (1990)6.4461
28Pretty Woman (1990)6.44241
29Child's Play 2 (1990)6.3339
30The Sheltering Sky (1990)6.3033
31Boiling Point (1990)6.2661
32Lord of the Flies (1990)6.2338
33Memphis Belle (1990)6.1891
34Flatliners (1990)6.0751
35I Love You to Death (1990)6.0630
36Kindergarten Cop (1990)5.9380
37DREAMS (1990)5.8275
38Presumed Innocent (1990)5.6588
39Dick Tracy (1990)5.3839
40Days of Thunder (1990)5.3548
Other searches(52 hits): 1  2  3 
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