Average score ranking 1-rank 20 1986 year.

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 > Average score ranking 1-rank 20 1986 year
Average score ranking 1-rank 20 1986 year(More than 30 reviews)

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NoTitle Name(Year of production)AverageNumber of reviews
1Castle in the Sky (1986)8.72759
3Stand by Me (1986)8.10587
4Aliens (1986)7.84302
5When the Wind Blows (1986)7.7533
6A Better Tomorrow (1986)7.61128
7Kin-Dza-Dza (1986)7.6068
8Alla vi barn i Bullerbyn (1986)7.5234
9Platoon (1986)7.47296
10Salvador (1986)7.4546
11Ruthless People (1986)7.3638
12iThree Amigos! (1986)7.2994
13The Sacrifice (1986)7.2931
1437.2 Degrees in the Morning/Betty Blue (1986)7.2874
15Down by Law (1986)7.2759
16Bad Blood (1986)7.2245
17Little Shop of Horrors (1986)7.2245
18A Room With A View (1986)7.1967
19Labyrinth (1986)7.0976
20Highlander (1986)7.0836
Other searches(46 hits): 1  2  3 
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