Average score ranking 681-rank 700.

 > Ranking
 > Average score ranking 681-rank 700
Average score ranking 681-rank 700(More than 30 reviews)

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NoTitle Name(Year of production)AverageNumber of reviews
681Violent Cop (1989)7.12125
682Nabbie's Love (1999)7.1280
683The King of Comedy (1982)7.1280
684The Founder (2016)7.1232
685The Manhattan Murder Mystery (1993)7.1231
686Knives Out (2019)7.1231
687The Patriot (2000)7.12157
688Arlington Road (1998)7.12186
689the wedding singer (1998)7.12112
690My Left Foot (1989)7.1250
691The Longest Yard (1974)7.1263
692Immortal Beloved (1994)7.1248
693Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)7.1134
694Shane (1953)7.1187
695Prescription: Murder (1968)7.1144
696The Champ (1979)7.11106
697The Life of David Gale (2003)7.11184
698A Scene at the Sea (1991)7.11113
699Gone Baby Gone (2007)7.1151
700Identity (2003)7.11291
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