The Emperor's Journey/March of the Penguins[米] Work information/evaluation

 > The Emperor's Journey/March of the Penguins[米]

The Emperor's Journey/March of the Penguins[米]

2005 yearsFranceScreening time : 85 minutes
Average score: 5.98 / 10point(Review 53count) 
Documentary / Animal
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DirectorLuc Jacquet
Voice ArtistRomane Bohringer
Charles Berling
Jules Sitruk
Morgan Freeman
Hikari Ishida
Takao Osawa
Ryunosuke Kamiki
ScreenwriterLuc Jacquet
Theme SongChara/CHARA
Distributing agencyGaga Communications

Academy awards

2005 year 78th
Best Documentary Feature Winner
© 1997 JTNEWS